PREFINAL Osce and Learning points

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1) Causes of left heart failure 

Common causes are : Acute MI especially if involves  left ventricle, chronic hypertension, dysrhythmias especially tachydysrrthithmias 


2) Side effects of furosemide,torsemide%20%3D%201%20mg%20of%20bumetanide

3) preload and afterload

Preload :

Preload is volume of blood received by the heart. Basically preload is stretch.It is the ventricular stretch at the end of diastole. Occurrence : during diastole Depends on : The amount of ventricular filling. Preload is a volume. Affecting factors : venous blood pressure and the rate of  venous return. 

Afterload :

 Afterload is the pressure that the Chambers of the heart must generate in order to eject blood out of heart. Occurrence : during systole Depends on :The arterial blood pressure and vascular tone. Afterload is a pressure. Affecting factors : systemic vascular resistance and pulmonary vascular resistance

Learning points :

I have learnt the importance of a detailed personal history to come to the final diagnosis

learnt about  normal jvp and abnormalities of wave patterns of jvp


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