60 year old female with CKD on maintenance haemodialysis

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 60 year old female resident of suryapet farmer by occupation came to the OPD with


Swelling of both legs  since 20 days

Breathlessness since 2 days 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years ago when she developed lower back pain which was sudden in onset gradually progressive no aggravating and relieving factors and she noticed decreased urine output that is  not associated with frequency, urgency, burning micturition

There is  bilateral pedal edema  which was insidious in onset gradually progressive intially extending upto ankle then progressed to knee which was of grade 3

She has shortness of breath which was sudden in onset  gradually progressive grade 3 aggravated on walking relevied by taking rest

Then she was taken to hospital where they diagnosed as kidney failure and was on medication for 6 months then started on dialysis twice a week 

Yesterday she was brought to the hospital due to severe shortness of breath grade 4 aggravated on lying down position and slightly relieved on sitting

Presently Pedal edema in both legs extending upto the knee. She was having tremors of  both hands and legs which are occurring infrequently 

history of orthopnea present

No history of evening rise of temperature 

No history of abdominal pain 

PAST HISTORY : known case of hypertension since 1year

Not a known case of diabetes asthma epilepsy tuberculosis 

TREATMENT HISTORY : On regular dialysis

She is on medication nifedipine and furosemide 


Before illness :  mixed diet, normal appetite, adequate sleep, regular bowel and bladder moments no addictions and allergies

After illness : Diet : consuming foods like  idly milk in small quantities reduced appetite, reduced bowel and bladder



wakes up at 6 am does house hold work like cooking, washing utensils till 8:30am then she eats rice with pickle or curry as breakfast and then goes to field. Eats lunch at 1:00 pm and then comes back home at5:00 pm does house  hold work and drinks a cup of tea. Dinner at 8:30 pm and goes back to sleep at 10:00pm


stopped working 2 years back from then she just stays at home

FAMILY HISTORY : not significant

General examination : 

patient was conscious coherent cooperative thin built moderately nourished

Pallor present. Bilateral pedal edema present. No cyanosis clubbing lymphadenopathy 

Vitals :  pulse rate : 113 bpm

Respiratory rate : 32 cpm

Temperature : a febrile 

Spo2 : 84%

Blood pressure : 100/80 mm hg

Systemic examination

Cardiovascular system: 

-S1,S2 heard .no mumurs.

Respiratory system:

-Position of trachea central.

- Bilateral airway entry present.

-Dyspnea present 

- no wheeze.



-No tenderness

-No palpable mass

-Spleen : not palpable

-liver : not palpable.

CNS examination:

-Conscious .

-no signs of meningeal irritation.

Investigations : 

Provisional diagnosis : 

Chronic kidney disease on maintenance haemodialysis with heart failure and hypertension 


Salt restriction<2gm/day

Fluid restriction<1.5 l/day

Tab. Lasix 40mg po BD

Tab. Nicardix 10 mg

Tab. Orofer  XD po BD

Tab. Nodosis 500 mg po BD

Inj. Epo 4000 iv BD

Tab. Shelcal po OD 


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